Saturday 12 March 2011

Cloud Atlas

Been a wee while coming but I finally finished Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell.
I really like the structure of this novel with 6 different narratives spanning from the missionaries exploring the islands of Australasia to a post apocalyptic community living in simple rural community... The novel went forward in chronological order telling the start of each story set along these different periods of history. I really liked the first chapter, a narrative by a man on a mission ship in Australia. Adam was such a moral man, I really liked him. He liked exploring the islands and making sketches of whales whilst the sailors on the ships got drunk. It reminded me of a really quaint novel I read a couple of years ago called "Gould's Book of Fish: A Novel in Twelve Fish" also set in a similar time... Really odd period of history where 'missionaries' would go and impose themselves on perfectly happy native peoples. The pictures of the fish were phenom though!
The letters from a composer living in a lovely french chateau were delightful...until he started sleeping with the owners wife, that made me feel uncomfortable because I'm a bit of a prude.
I quite enjoyed getting to know new characters and settings in each new chapter...but then when it came to the concluding sections I found I had mostly forgotten what had happened in the beginning perhaps my fault for taking so long to read it.
The middling chapters I was less keen on, particularly the one set in the future with specially bred humans for menial jobs. Although it was an interesting idea the dialogue between this clone and a computer I found a bit strange.
Really liked the last part. A world which seems to be from the stone age, but is actually what is left of the earth after our civilisation has destroyed the earth as we know it. I found it quite poignant as it is probably going to happen some time...That something we have created will eventually be the cause of the end of the world as we know it. Even if it's indirectly, I suppose, like climate change or something.
Again I think I was attracted to this part of the story in particular because there was something innocent about these little communities, they lacked the corruption of modern technology. There seems to be a bit of a running theme here as I enjoy any story which has anything to with wandering about in the countryside looking after goats... It's not that I have anything against Ipods but I do wonder what would ever happen if we were left to our own devices again.
Was talking about something similar the other day...wondering if men are still evolving and decided that we probably aren't in ourselves but are developing through technology. Does that perhaps mean that technology will over take what we can control? Might sound a bit sci-fi fantasy, but I'm not sure it's such a wild idea...
I found in general the novel was really well written with interesting characters and all that, with the exception of one story about a man who gets admitted to an old folk home against his will and then plans to escape...found that all a little silly.
I was a little disappointed by most of the conclusions to the novelettes.
All in all an enjoyable read, and found the structure quite fun. Lots of people, at least 4, have said to me that they really enjoy this book so maybe I'm missing something, perhaps some subtle part of the undertone was lost on me.
I am going to rate this book a 6.5/10

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