Friday, 21 August 2015

A day to fill

I had a really beautiful miserable cold lovely day on Wednesday.

On Wednesday I was off.  It poured with rain from morning until night.

After spending a leisurely morning drinking rhubarb juice and researching Hungarian hot springs I fulfilled a life long ambition by going to the cinema alone. And, ironically, I wasn't alone. Turns out loads of people (especially at 3pm on a Wednesday) go the cinema solo.  The film was fantastic. It made me feel alive.

I also wandered around an inspiring exhibition about mud and rocks and walking and travelling. The artist was a gentleman, now 70 years old, called Richard Long. I imagine if I were able to live someone else's life I would quite like to have been RIchard Long. It appears to me that he just really likes walking and quite regular geometric shapes. See for yourself .

I like spending quality time alone. With regular snacks.